Wednesday, June 5

Reading Challenge 6 month Check-in

We are halfway through the year! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?

Let's see where I am standing with my challenges for the year. 

Reading Challenges

Goodreads -  49/143. I am technically 11 books behind schedule. Eeek. I had bad couple of months thanks to life. I'm sure I'll catch up, but I'll have to put some hassle into it. 

Romance Reading Challenge - One Bingo done! Nearly done filling out the sheet. Click here here to check out the books I have read for this 

Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge - 13 out of 16/25! Doing great! Nearly there. Click here to check out the books I've read for this. 

LIBRARY LOVE CHALLENGE - 11/24. Getting there. Click here to check out what I have read for this challenge. 

AUDIOBOOK CHALLENGE - 24/50+. Nearly halfway there! I think I can dooo it! Click here to check out the books I have listened to for this challenge. I picked Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands). 


Northwoman said...

You really are doing well! Happy reading!

Anne - Books of My Heart

Blodeuedd said...

I need to check on my bingo, but every time I do I have still nothing

Carole Rae said...

Thanks Anne!

B, you must be super close though!

Jen Twimom said...

You are doing good - Yours looks like mine... I'm doing well on the individual challenges, but overall I'm like 9 or 10 books behind. I didn't read for the past two weeks because of craziness. Oh well...

Sophia Rose said...

I'd say you're poised to grab the gold ring on them all (a few novellas will pad that GR number nicely). Way to go, Carole!

Carole Rae said...

Jen, at least I'm not alone. I know I can get myself to catch up but it's wild the last two months with the puppy.

Sophia, yayy! Thanks Sophia!