Monday, June 17

Blodeuedd's Review: Mr Dary's Matchmaker by Summer Hanford

By: Summer Hanford

Narrated by: Ruth Urquhart

Length: 8 hrs and 30 mins

Published: June 11th 2024 by Tantor Audio

Pride and prejudice variation /to review

This was Anne´s book and she is very misunderstood, but here she shows her clear colors. She is trying to be meek for her mother, but her mind is plotting.

Darcy was, well, he really is proud, and so is Lizzy. This book shows some of their worst qualities and hey they belong together. They are good people, they just need to stop and care for others too.

I really like how Kitty comes across here and her romance made me all awwww.

And Anne finally finds someone to care for too.

The unlikable are still Miss Bingley and Mrs De Bourgh. Ugh, horrible people.

A fun variation where Anne takes control over the destiny.

And narrated by the fantastic Ruth Urqhart. She is awesome and I always enjoy her books

When the woman he loves refuses him, Darcy will get help winning her back . . . whether he wants it or not.

Fitzwilliam Darcy is a great many things. Wealthy. Handsome. Respectable. But what he is not, is skilled at charming Elizabeth Bennet. When she refuses his offer of marriage and breaks his heart, an organ she doesn’t believe he possesses, he has no notion of how to win her back.

Fortunately for him, his scheming relation, Miss Anne de Bourgh, is more than willing to help. It doesn’t matter to Anne that Darcy doesn’t want her assistance. She learned from the best, namely her mother, that people don’t know what’s good for them until you tell them.

Mr. Darcy’s Matchmaker is a sweet, lighthearted Pride & Prejudice Variation. Read on to discover if Miss de Bourgh can help Mr. Darcy win the woman he loves, and how much trouble she’ll cause trying.


Carole Rae said...

awww P&P variations!!!

Blodeuedd said...

I can not say no

Sophia Rose said...

Go Anne! I like when she gets out from under her mother's thumb.