Monday, June 10

Blodeuedd's Monday Review: Even Better Than the Real Thing by Melanie Summers

Narrated by: Aria Holland, Dan Calley

Length: 9 hrs and 14 mins

Release date: 05-28-24 by Tantor Audio

Contemporary romance/to review

I had some issues with the premise, because it seemed rather ridiculous. Not the whole fake wife thing, nope, totally behind that. But the whole, "your father died, if you are not married within a week you loose the title." Wow, hold up. He needs to be married to gain the title and the land? That is stupid, his dad could have died when he was 10! Also why the F does everyone get their panties in a twist when he does get married!? He HAS TO. These people drag him to the house of Lords for his fake marriage. HELLO! No one said the marriage had to be real. Also even if he is not the right one, his right should pass to his kid. Like what is this.


So he gives up the title in the end to save her, which just means everyone thinks she is a gold digger. Also why is the press so after her? Who gives an f? I would sue that guy for slander. Second he gave it up and they lived happily ever after. No no. Screw that. Make his family hurt.

Right, rant over.  Man needs a fake wife, she needs to study paintings. They begin a fake marriage, they fall in love, duh. He does not believe in marriage or kids so they have to work through that. And an evil gossip guy writing horrid pieces about her.

Her family is pretty horrid too. No idea why she even likes them. I do not.

Her friend seemed solid, as did his. Some good people in this world.

Good narration.

He's the heir to a fortune. He’s my aloof, intimidating, insanely handsome boss. And he just asked me to marry him.
Hayden Stuart is the quintessential English lord. He went to the most exclusive private schools. He hangs out with royals and other richy rich A-listers. His summer home is a castle.

Whereas I grew up on a peanut farm in Georgia.

When the spit hits the fan for Hayden, he asks me to be his wife. He makes it very clear to me that this is all for show.

Totally temporary.

Business only.

This is not a fake husband with benefits situation.

Of course I say yes.

Who wouldn’t want to live in a castle and have a staff take care of your every need? This is Beauty and the Beast, complete with the freaking library. Only Hayden’s crazy hot and knows how to eat soup without slurping it all over the place.

The problem is, the more time I spend pretending to be Hayden’s wife, the more desperate I feel to believe the lie.

And it’s not just about the castle.

It’s about the man.


Blodeuedd said...

Thank you for making it work

Sophia Rose said...

Huh, there's a lot here that would leave me scratching my head, too. Glad they triumphed over their doubters.