Thursday, June 13

Book Review: Beagles Love Cupcake Crimes by CA Phipps

Author: CA Phipps
Title: Beagles Love Cupcake Crimes
Series: The Beagle Diner Cozy Mysteries #1
Genre: Cozy mystery, contemporary
Format: ebook
Pages: 278
Published: September 11, 2021
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)

Is this Murder, She Baked?

Cooking is all celebrity chef Lyra St. Claire ever wanted to do. Plucked from school and being thrown into the limelight was not the plan. When everything goes wrong, she yearns for her hometown and a simpler life. Where people aren’t pretending to be your friend.

But first, she must find a murderer. Sure, it isn't the wisest thing to do, but since the police have no leads, and Cinnamon the beagle agrees, it's time to sniff out who dislikes Lyra and her friends enough to ruin their lives.

Crimes and clues aside, what could be the motive?

Beagle Diner Cozy Mysteries features one clever beagle who owns a celebrity chef and together they discover a talent for the amateur sleuth business.

Puppies, cupcakes, and crime? Sign me up! Plus it was free ;)

Here we follow celebrity chef Lyra and her sidekick Cinnamon. She loves cooking, but being thrown  into the limelight was not the plan and not everything it cracked up to be. She wants to go back home, but first....there is a murder that needs solving. The police has no leads and nothing is being done. Who hates Lyra and her friends so much to commit murder?? 

Okay. Maybe I need a break from the genre. This is the 3rd one in a row that I have been left feeling super, duper meh. Maybe it's me? Maybe I'm the problem!?!?!?!?

Nothing was necessarily wrong with this. I liked the characters. Loved the puppy. The murder was a decent whodunnit....but I just couldn't care. I only stuck around to see who did the crimes. I felt zero connection with anything or anything MINUS the puppy. I have a soft spot for cute ass animals and Cinnamon was a puppy that stole my heart. 

But yes...this didn't hit the mark, but this is the 3rd one in a row of this genre so I will step away for a bit. Cleanse the palate if you will. 

2 stars from me. Cinnamon gets a whole star!

ONE WORD SUMMARY: Disappointing

- Cloak and Dagger - #15


Jen Twimom said...

The cover and blurb are adorbs. But sounds like a break from cozies is a good idea!

Sophia Rose said...

I can only do so much cozy mystery unless its mashed with historical or sci-fi, etc. But, a break is always a good refresher so you can come back and love on them again.

Blodeuedd said...

Meh a miss. Good looking cup cakes

Carole Rae said...

Jen, 100% agreed

Sophia, yes. I think I met my quota for a while.

B, def miss. But those cupcakes look tasty!!