Title: Signal Moon
Genre: Historical Fiction, Short stories, SCI FI, Fantasy, Mystery, Contemporary
Format: ebook
Pages: 57
Published: August 1st 2022
Where I Got It: My Shelf (Amazon)
Yorkshire, 1943. Lily Baines, a bright young debutante increasingly ground down by an endless war, has traded in her white gloves for a set of headphones. It’s her job to intercept enemy naval communications and send them to Bletchley Park for decryption.
One night, she picks up a transmission that isn’t code at all—it’s a cry for help.
An American ship is taking heavy fire in the North Atlantic—but no one else has reported an attack, and the information relayed by the young US officer, Matt Jackson, seems all wrong. The contact that Lily has made on the other end of the radio channel says it’s…2023.
Across an eighty-year gap, Lily and Matt must find a way to help each other: Matt to convince her that the war she’s fighting can still be won, and Lily to help him stave off the war to come. As their connection grows stronger, they both know there’s no telling when time will run out on their inexplicable link.
Randomly saw this on Amazon. I adore this author and I really should read more by her. She is so good. saw
We follow Lily Baines and Matt Jackson. Lily lives in 1943 and she has traded in her white gloves for a set of headphones. Her job is to intercept enemy naval communications and send them to Bletchley Park for decryption. One night, she picks up a transmission that isn't a code at all. It is a cry for help. It's an American ship that is taking heavy fire but no one else has reported an attack. The info is from Matt, but something seems off. She realizes the radio channel says the call is from 2023. Across an eight-year gap, Lily and Matt must find a way to help keep another World War from taking place in 2023 while keeping up her spirits on her side with the war effort seeming to be a losing battle.
I went into this without reading the summary. I was drawn in by not only the author but by the title and the cover. I rarely do that, but sometimes I want to be completely surprised.
This book was so sad but had such a beam of hope. I literally couldn't put it down because I HAD to know how everything was going to end. Certainly an edge-of-the-seat read.
Their friendship was beautiful and heartbreaking.
This was such a creative tale. A mix of contemporary, historical, and fantasy/SCI Fi. I enjoyed it.
I think my only "issue" was that I would've loved to see more of Lily in the aftermath. Trying not to spoil anything, so I'll leave it at that. More Lily scenes at the end would've been nice.
Overall, this was such a good short story. I finished it right away because I simply couldn't put it down. This certainly will give you all the feels. 4 stars from me.
This sounds so wild. I love a book that has a unique story line like this one.
Super unique!!
I have this one the shelf and now your review has me edging it into the pile. :)
I hope it ended well then!
Not bad at all.
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