Wednesday, June 30

Audiobook Review: When Birdie Babysat Spider by Kristen Painter

Author: Kristen Painter
Narrator:  B.J Harrison
Title: When Birdie Babysat Spider: A Jayne Frost Short
(Jayne Frost #4.5)
Genre: Paranormal romance, Fantasy, UF, Mystery
Format: Audiobook
Published: November 25th 2017
Where I got It: Audible

Jayne Frost is a lot of things. Winter elf, Jack Frost's daughter, Santa Claus's niece, heir to the Winter Throne and now...private investigator. Sort of.

But none of that matters at the moment, because Jayne is headed back to the North Pole to visit her family, and leaving everyone’s favorite werewolf, Birdie Caruthers, to watch her cat, Spider.

With the heartfelt promise that all will be well, Birdie follows Jayne’s instructions to the letter. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop Spider from getting into trouble.

It takes the help of a gentlemen friend (and a few others), for Birdie to make things right again. But not before her love life takes a very interesting turn…

Birdie!!!!!!! Yayy!!!!!!

In this short-story Jayne is gone for a few days and Miss Birdie is set to babysit the adorable Spider. After Spider accidently gets out, Birdie must find this kitty before Jayne gets back. She turns to some friends and a special beau of hers to find him. 

I adore Birdie. I was so excited to see she gets to have some spotlight! I want her to find her own HEA. She has been the town's beloved Auntie for a while. She needs to be spoiled rotten and loved by a great person. 

I liked her guy friend and he seems great. He's been so patient with Birdie because he understands how hard it is to lose a spouse.

This was a fun and sweet and cute. A fun little mini-mystery trying to find Spider asap. Loved it. 

I would love to see Birdie more. She is fun. 

My only meh was the narrator. He wasn't bad....but it wasn't the same. Not sure why they switched out the narrator for this one because the normal narrator does book 5. Mmm. I've gotten spoiled with Hollis!

In the end, I really adored this. I'll give it 4 stars. It wasn't the same with this different narrator sadly BUT still good and fun. 

- #37 for Audiobook challenge


Jen Twimom said...

Yea! This series sounds so cute. I wonder, was the narrator different b/c it's a different POV? Or are they changing narrators for the series?

Carole Rae said...

I started the next book and it went back to the normal person. So maybe you are right...maybe it was bc it's a different POV.

Sophia Rose said...

Ah, cool! Glad a well-loved side character gets a story for you.

Blodeuedd said...

Lol, I love that title

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, yess she deserves more.

B, isn't it cute??