Thursday, December 26

Blog All About It: TWINKLE

This month's prompt is:  TWINKLE

Last prompt of the year! I cannot believe 2019 is coming to a quick and speedy end. Where has all the time gone? to end this challenge? 

Twinkle? Mmmm. Let's see. What should I do for this prompt?

I will dedicate this post to my love and best friend. He truly makes me happy even with our ups and downs these last 7 years. We just celebrated our 7th anniversary on the 16th. He is the twinkle of light in my life. We have really grown together. I really must thank him for the love and support over the years. Especially this year. It has been a hard year with the loss of one of my best friends who died suddenly. He really was there for me and held me through so many tears and anger. As cliche as it is...he has been my rock not only for this year but for the last 7. Sure it hasn't been perfect but we really have grown so much. 

Love you my dear! Thank you for everything. 

Now...I'm going to share some of my favorites of us throughout the years ;) 

Image may contain: 4 people, including Jip Higashi, people smiling

Image may contain: Jip Higashi and Carole Rae, selfie, closeup and indoor

Image may contain: 2 people, including Jip Higashi, hat, beard and closeup

Image may contain: Carole Rae and Jip Higashi, possible text that says 'PIC.COLLAGE'

Image may contain: 2 people, including Jip Higashi, people smiling

Image may contain: Carole Rae, smiling

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Image may contain: Jip Higashi and Carole Rae, people smiling

Image may contain: 2 people

Image may contain: 2 people

Image may contain: 1 person


Blodeuedd said...

Awww you two are such cuties!

Carole Rae said...

awww thanksss! We try!

Sophia Rose said...

Love seeing a love affair based on such strong friendship standing together through personal heartaches. Adorable pics!

Carole Rae said...

Yes! He really is my best friend. and thank you! We are pretty adorable