Tuesday, October 1

Best of September

Happy October! Cannot believe September is gone already!

Here are our favorites for last month. 

Best Movie of the Month:

First Blodeuedd's pick.........Yesterday (2019)

Image result for yesterday movie

"Best movie. Yesterday. Good, funny, British." 

Next is Carole's pick.........Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)

Godzilla: King of the Monsters Poster

"SOOOOOO good. It really sets the bar for future Godzilla movies. I even cared about the humans in this. WHA?"

Best Book of the Month:

He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

"Where has this book been my whole life? This is not only great dating advice but great life advice. LOVE IT!"

Now, Blodeuedd's pick............Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop

Vision in Silver (The Others, #3)

"And once again, best book goes to Anne Bishop! With Vision in Silver."

Best Cover of the Month:


Sophia Rose said...

I'm glad Yesterday was good. I want to see that eventually. I enjoyed the book review and thoughts you took away from He's Not That Into You. Yay for Visions of Silver, B!
Oh yes, those covers are gorgeous. I like the sepia background of your, Carole- different.

Blodeuedd said...

I do like your fav cover! Nice

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, thanks so much! We got some good picks this month! And that cover is lovely.

B, Thanks! I love yours. It is very sweet.