Tuesday, January 16

Time for TV Tuesday: Spartacus - Gods of the Arena (Season 2)

Recently Finished:

That was certainly fun! 

Season 2 took a back paddle to before Spartacus graced the Gladiator-world with his presence. We got to see some backstory on some of the characters. Crixus was a newbie (and a new baby deer with new baby deer legs stumbling about – cute), the Doctore was not a Doctore he was still a Gladiator, Bat and Luc were young and not so horrible yet until near the end, and the colosseum was in the middle of being built. I enjoyed seeing some new faces too. 

I’m glad we got to get some backstory even if it was for sad reasons. Sure it is a little out if place, but it worked well. I mean…they had no choice since they were on the hunt for a new actor to replace the actor who played Spartacus (yes, the main actor in real life passed away, so they had to put a pause on the main story line until they could find someone). 

Lots of blood and sex. I do feel this had a hair more blood then the last one especially near the end of the season. The final ring of fire battle was intense! That was a very defining episode at the end. I laughed when what happened to Asher happened. Little creep! He deserves all the bad things people do him. 

HOLY CANNOLI LUC! I didn't expect that out of her. It did burn her though in the end though.....Sad! 

I loved how you really didn't need to watch season 1. They did a great job showing you what you needed to know and it all tied in together nicely. 

This was a fun season. Like Season 1 lots of drama going around. Lots of plots, sex, and blood. I actually enjoyed this better than the first season. Lots more blood for sure in this season. I am curious to start Season 3. I'll give this 5 stars. 


Blodeuedd said...

Too boobfilled for me

Carole Rae said...

LOL doesn't bother me too much.