Wednesday, October 17

Who, Where, What? (1)

A weekly meme created by Melissa over at My World in words and pages

I am rather bored right now, so I shall finally join in on this weekly meme created by my blog homie, Melissa. ^.^ This meme was created for those to share where they are in a book they are reading. Make sure to not give away spoilers! Just share who your with, where you're at, and what is going on in your book. 

Right now I'm nearly done with Northanger Abbey by the always fabulous Jane Austen. I'm so close to the end I can smell it! I've been working on this book for a while now. Gah!

I'm with Catherine over at Northanger Abbey in England during the 19th century. Things are starting to get "spooky", Catherine is now convinced Northanger Abbey is supporting supernatural beings and objects. 

^.^ Where are you in your adventures?



Blodeuedd said...

I am with Alex in her apartment. She is browsing the net for stories for the website she works at. The air is tense

Carole Rae said...

:0 ooooooooooooooooh

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Oh Carole Rae! Thank you greatly for joining in! And do hope things are too spooky for you. ;D Thank you again!

Carole Rae said...

No problem! I simply love that meme you created