Monday, October 15

Music Monday

Happy Monday you guys. I just realized I passed the 50 mark on 'Music Monday' posts *throws confetti*. 

First is 'Some Nights' by FUN. Not only is the song great, but the video is awesome. I could see Kevin from the show 'Copper' listening to this. Also, it would be a good theme song for the show too. 

Here's another good song. 'Whatcha Sayin' by Jason Derulo. For some reason I could see Henry Crawford form Mansfield Park by Jane Austen listening to this in his depression over being an idiot.

Now for a funny video. This is FWP....this is dedicated for all those people who suffer First World Problems:

Hope you enjoy my video selections!



Melissa (My words and pages) said...

First, how did you create the ghost on my pointer? I think that is cute!

ANd love the video for Some Nights. I've not seen the video until now. Brings a new thought to the song. :) Thank you!

Carole Rae said...

I googled "halloween cursors". They have a ton of cute halloween mouse pointers.

Thats what I thought! It's such different take of the meaning of the song.

Blodeuedd said...

Yup I still adore the ghost ;)

Anyway, nice music :D