Monday, June 4

Music Monday & Birthday Wishes

Happy Monday everyone! Today is Issac's first birthday. We celebrated it yesterday, but oh well. As you all know Issac is my "nephew". His mom is my best friend and I can't imagine life without either one of them. Luckily I was working midnights at the time of Issac birth, because Anee was so scared and she texted me for hours until she actually went into birthing mode. I was so scared for her!

Anyways, here is my picture of Issac on his big day with his first birthday cake:

He's such a big boy. I can't believe how big he is getting! Soon he's going to be a big brother. Anee's about to pop and I'm so excited! Of course I'm scared as Hell too. Child birth is NOT fun...or so I hear. Haven't had to do that yet. 

Here's 'Rolling in the Deep' by Adele, which was the number one song at the time. Which is kind of funny, because Anee is in LOVE with this song. Funny how things work:


Blodeuedd said...

YAy for Adele and congrats to the bday boy

Carole Rae said...

Yayy Adele! *claps*

Rachel said...

Happy 1st birthday to Isaac, and great song.

Thanks for joining in :)

Carole Rae said...

Thanks for the bday wishes to little Issac. I do really like Adele and that song.

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Happy birthday to the little man. :) And smart with no shirt. lol.

I've been loving Adele's songs as well! :D Great pick.

Carole Rae said...

I'm glad they thought of that! He made a HUGE mess. It was everywhere. hahaha. And thanks! That's a classic now. ;)