Wednesday, January 3

2024 Reading Challenge


Welllllll hello 2024!!! Let's go ahead and get our goals for the year!!! :D 

Reading Challenges

Goodreads - I plan on reading 143 130 (*10/2024 due to real life things - I have lowered my reading challenge for the year). One up from last year. I barely made it in 2023, but let's seeee how this goes. 

Romance Reading Challenge - I plan on completing the whole bingo sheet! Woot!

Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge - I picked level 2...Detective. This means I'll have to read 16-25 books that are in the mystery/suspense/thriller/crime/true crime genre. 

LIBRARY LOVE CHALLENGE - I picked Thrifty Reader. Which means I need to read 24 books that I borrowed from the library.

AUDIOBOOK CHALLENGE - I picked Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands). I dropped a level since two years in a row I have failed. Much closer in 2023 I believe. But yes, this year I will need to listen to 50+ audiobooks. 


Sophia Rose said...

Looks like you've got your challenges just enough to make it interesting. Cheering you on for them all and I'll be doing several of those, too. :)

Northwoman said...

Good luck with your challenges. Happy to have you on the Library Love Challenge.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Blodeuedd said...

You can do it!

Blodeuedd said...

You can do it

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, yess! I'm excited.

Anne, thank you! Good luck to you too.

B, yayy!

Jen Twimom said...

I love that you picked such a non-conforming number for your GR challenge! Good luck to you... I look forward to seeing how you do in 2024.

Carole Rae said...

Jen, lol thanks Jen! I don't think I'm ready for 145 or 150. I need to slowly get there ;) And good luck in 2024! WE GO THIS!