Title: Nice Girls Don't Live Forever
(Jane Jameson #3)
Genre: Urban Fiction, Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Humor, & Chick Lit
Format: ebook
Pages: 336
Published: December 7th 2009
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)
Nothing sucks the romance out of world travel like a boyfriend who may or may not have broken up with you in a hotel room in Brussels. Jane Jameson's sexy sire Gabriel has always been unpredictable, but the seductive, anonymous notes that await him at each stop of their international vacation, coupled with his evasive behavior over the past few months, finally push Jane onto the next flight home to Half Moon Hollow -- alone, upset, and unsure whether Gabriel just ended their relationship without actually telling her.
Now the children's-librarian-turned-vampire is reviving with plenty of Faux Type O, some TLC from her colorful friends and family, and her plans for a Brave New Jane. Step One: Get her newly renovated occult bookstore off the ground. Step Two: Support her best friend, Zeb, and his werewolf bride as they prepare for the impending birth of their baby...or litter. Step Three: Figure out who's been sending her threatening letters, and how her hostile pen pal is tied to Gabriel. Because for this nice girl, surviving a broken heart is suddenly becoming a matter of life and undeath....
Book 3! The previous books I did the audio version, but this time I decided to read the ebook instead.
We start off with Jane and Gabriel as they tour Europe. However, he has grown distant and acting suspicious. Jane decides to walk and leave him and goes back to the States to open her bookshop. Between her bookshop and the heartache of leaving Gabriel...she also is supporting her best friend and his werewolf bride while they prepare for the impending birth of their baby, figure out who sending threatening letters, and deal with her family.
Love Jane. She is sassy and funny. You can't help but adore her. She is a little spastic and neurotic so her narrative is a little weird...so sometimes I found myself re-reading certain parts. I didn't struggle with the other two as much as this one. Maybe it was because I was reading instead of doing the narration? Not sure.
Yes, I did find myself struggling here and there with this one especially near the end. About 65% I found myself having to force myself to read and NOT skim. I just wanted the mystery to come to a close. Plus I wasn't amused with Gabriel AT all.
Gah. Good ol' Gabe-a-rini. This made me loath him. I didn't like him much in the other books, but now I loath him. If he just trusted and communicated what was going on with Jane...then everything would be okay but NOOOO he has to be a big arsehat. Boo.
Dick is my favorite character along with his girlie. They are too dang cute.
We didn't see Zeb and his new bride too much. They are busy.
Grrr to Jane's sister and granny. Is it wrong that I hope the sister gets turned into a vamp? See how she likes it...............but then poor Jane would have an immortal life with her sister. *shudders*
Jane's mom is getting better. Bless her little heart. She is really leaning into the support group. I just wish she would get a backbone and support Jane against the sister and granny.
The mystery was pretty good. I was worried it was going to be cut-and-dry, but it became more complicated and there was a nice twist when all was revealed.
In the end...this was my least favorite of the series so far. I struggled around 65% because I just wanted the reveal and I was annoyed at Gabriel. I loath him right now. I think Jane deserves better. Maybe I'll jump back into the audio for the next. Yes, yes, I do want to read the next book, but I think a narrator helps with how spastic our lovable Jane is and it just brings these characters to life. BUUUUT I am biased because the narrator is Amanda Ronconi and she is amazing. The next book is the final one so yess I may jump back to audio to finish off the series. Now rating? Oh boy. I have been fighting myself for over a day.....I would say 2.5, but GR doesn't have decimals.....ummm...errrr....okay. I'll give it 3. I'll give it extra brownie points because of a scene that had me dying of laughter. Yes, yes 3 it is.
I think I read it aaaaaaaaaaaages ago
I think so too!
It was so long ago that I read (listened to) the original four. The Halfmoon Hollow series is hilarious. And Dick is by far the best!
Molly knows how to make a fun world.
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