Friday, May 1

Best of April 2020

Happy May! 

Here are our favorites for last month. Hopefully, everyone is safe and doing okay.  

We are skipping the movie category this month.

Best Book of the Month:

Blodeuedd's pick...........Wild Country by Anne Bishop

Wild Country (The World of the Others, #2; The Others, #7)

"Best book obviously goes to Wild Country."

The Illustrated World of Tolkien

"Loved the art and all the facts and information I got from this!"

Best TV show of the Month:

Carole's pick............Tiger King (2020)

Tiger King Poster

"Such a weird show. It is addictive and I adored the last episode when it reminds us that sure all these people are shit and terrible and entertaining...but let us not forget about the poor animals!"

Blodeuedd's pick...............The Windsors , The Umbrella Academy, & Never Have I Ever

The Windsors Poster  The Umbrella Academy Poster Never Have I Ever Poster

"No best movie cos meh movies. But I have been binging a lot. Like The Windsors, it was SO BAD, that it was funny. And the Umbrella Academy! Good stuff, I want more! Though I do find that shows over 40 min are sooo long. At the moment of writing this I am binging this show and cute and fun. So awesome tv shows this April and they all needs to be mentioned! I recommend them all."

Best Cover of the Month:

The Queen of Blood  (The Queens of Renthia, #1)
Blodeuedd's Pick ^

Of Flame and Fury (Weird Girls, #9, Flame, #3)
Carole's pick ^


vvb32 reads said...

Considering Never Have I Ever for cuteness and laughs.

Blodeuedd said...

I hope May will be good .D

Carole Rae said...

vvb32, agreed. That sounds so cute

B, I hope so!

Sophia Rose said...

Fun to see your picks. Not surprised about the Illustrated Tolkien book. :) I loved the Cecy Robson cover, too.

Carole Rae said...

Yesss it was just too good.