Tuesday, March 3

Best of February 2020

Happy March! 

Here are our favorites for last month. 

Best Movie of the Month:

Blodeuedd's pick...........Frozen II (2019)

"What did I even watch? I did watch Frozen with S so I guess that one was the best, but hey, nothing compared to movie 1. Not really a rewatch movie"

Frozen II Poster

Carole's pick......Soaked in Bleach (2015)

"So good. I've watched this 3 times now. I'm tempted to watch again...but yes. It will make you realize that maybe Kurt didn't kill himself...things are too suspicious and the case was handle terribly. I have my eye on you Courtney Love!" 

Soaked in Bleach Poster

Best TV show of the Month:

Carole's pick............The Orville (Season 1 & 2)
"Went in unsure if I would like it...but I'm in love. So good."

The Orville Poster

Blodeuedd's pick...............BoJack Horseman

"Still going through BoJack Horseman"

Best Book of the Month:
Blodeuedd's Pick.................Crowfall by Ed McDonald

"A good ending to this series. Grey dark world."

Crowfall (Raven's Mark, #3)

Carole's pick............The Ones Who Got Away by Roni Loren

"This was a pleasant surprise. I really loved this one. Lots of feels."

The Ones Who Got Away (The Ones Who Got Away, #1)

Best Cover of the Month:


Blodeuedd said...

Still watching BoJack here

Carole Rae said...

I've watched some in the past. JP loves it. Me? mmm it's funny just not my jam.