Thursday, January 2

2020 Challenges

Image result for happy 2020"

Annnnnndddd here comes 2020! New year! More challenges ahead!

Reading Challenges:

Audiobook Listen - I plan to listen to 50 this year! Upping the number from last year

Goodreads - I plan on reading 140 this year. Same as last year - but I barely squeaked by. 

THE BAD BOYS OF ROMANCE READING CHALLENGE - I plan on doing level 2. 10-15 books. Mainly doing this because I didn't read too many last year about my bad boys!


2020 Romance Bingo Reading Challenge - Another round of bingo!

Life Challenge:
I want to get back on the work-out train. I have been bad the last 2 months soooo I need to get back on track. 

More painting and more crafts! :) I'll try to share some of these here and there. 


Sophia Rose said...

Super goals for reading and life. Look forward to seeing your progress and then conquering of the goals. I'm doing your BINGO challenge this year.

Carole Rae said...

Thank you Sophia! And I am excited you are joining us!

Blodeuedd said...

Good luck!
Lol the bad boys one

Carole Rae said...

B, thankies! And gotta love a good bad boy