Title: Oklahoma Christmas Blues
(Bliss in Big Falls 0.5)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pages: ebook
Published: December 21st 2015
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon Freebie)
Darryl is on a quest for peace. His chance at fatherhood was taken from him long ago, and an IED in Iraq ensured he’d never get another. In Big Falls, the McIntyre brothers hire him to keep an eye on their beautiful cousin Sophie in case her criminal ex shows up. He doesn’t expect to fall head over heels.
Sophie McIntyre’s life was blown apart by a drug dealing ex who cost her her job and nearly her medical license. She comes to Big Falls because she has nowhere else to go. And the minute she gets there, things start to get better.
Is it because of that letter to Santa her Aunt Vidalia convinced her to write?
Within days she meets a beautiful man with a deeply wounded soul. And oddly, she finds herself giving him the same advice the town Santa gave to her—try believing again, and if it’s too much to believe, then just try hoping.
Love, magic, and miracles ensue.
Because this is Big Falls, Oklahoma. Miracles are an everyday occurrence around here. Especially at Christmastime.
First finished Amazon Freebie of the year!
The story follows Sophie and Darryl. Darryl is on a quest for peace. His chance of fatherhood was taken from him and then in Iraq his chance to maybe have another baby was taken from him forever. Years later, he is in Big Falls. The McIntyre brothers have hired him to keep an eye on Sophie who has a criminal ex. Sophie's life was blown apart by her ex who cost her her job and nearly her medical license. She comes to Big Falls to be near family in hopes life will get just a little bit better.
This took me a while to really get hooked. Not sure why. All the pieces were there and I liked the cast of people. For some reason, I just didn't care much until after a certain event and then I was intrigued again. Won't say what because it was a pretty big plot point ;)
Poor Darryl. I feel for him especially when we find out the truth about everything. I feel for Sophie too. Darn, that ex of hers!
This was cheesy especially with the whole letter and Santa thing. It was cute...don't get me wrong, but it was a touch too Hallmark-y. I don't think the story needed it to be honest. Especially since the whole town can pretty much get everything they want by writing a letter. MAN! I need to move there and write my own letter! haha.
OoooOOOoo that ending was good! Made it worth it!.
Overall, this wasn't a bad freebie. I enjoyed it after a while. The beginning was a little rough and it was a touch too cheesy, BUT I did get hooked and enjoyed the ending. I'll give this 3 stars.
LOng time until next xmas ;)
I know...but I'm happy. I need a break!
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