Tuesday, August 13

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Reading and Blogging Mistakes


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. 

What mistakes have you learned to stop repeating when it comes to reading and blogging?

Oh my. What a loaded question. Is there really any mistakes that I have actually stopped? *does some soul searching and burns a hole in my brain* 

Well - I know for sure I am a touch better at being done with a book and DNFing. Sure, I still am one for self-torture, but I have learned it is okay to just stop reading it or do a quick skim to the end. It's still hard for me, but I have gotten better. 

One mistake I made at the very beginning was not exposing myself enough by blog surfing and commenting. I had assumed that people would just comment and not expect something in return. I'm still bad at constant commenting, but I will do a TON at one time and try to visit my favorites at minimum once a week. 

Another mistake I made was getting too upset about not having the follower count and comment count I wanted and what other people have. I've learned to take what I can get and be happy for the loyal bloggers in my life. 

I think the biggest mistake I made was hating audiobooks and ebooks. I was a purist and only wanted paper books. I avoided both for the longest time. I am now addicted to both. Blodeuedd really helped me find my love of audio. Thanks girl ;)

Image may contain: people sitting, cat and indoor
I think Mamyia is done for the week just like me. ;) 


Blodeuedd said...

I HELPED! I am a saint :D All praise me!
Lol, sorry, I am tired. I am so glad I converted you to the Temple of Audiobooks :D

Carole Rae said...

The Audio Saint!