Tuesday, February 5

TMST: Big Misconception About Blogging

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

What are some big misconceptions you had about blogging when you started?

Another good question!

I think the biggest misconception was that no one would read my blog. I just thought that there would be one or two. That is why my old, old blog failed. I lost hope and caring. However, I didn't care. I just wanted to share my feelings and thoughts about the things I love. 

Sure I don't have a lot of followers. However, I have a few and I have some loyal ones. Would I like more followers? Sure! It doesn't bug me if I never get a new one because I love my blog so much. 

Thank you everyone! Love you all. :) 

Image may contain: cloud, sky, tree, outdoor and nature
A shot of the Kentucky wilderness on our road trip to Alabama. I love this. It is so beautiful. I'll be in Alabama all week.


Blodeuedd said...

Love ya back!

That was a good one, that is one thing I thought too! I had not thought of that. My old blog that was more a journal hint hint livejournal, was a place where I saw my old tolkien buddies

Melliane said...

When I created the blog I wanted to share my ENglish reviews because I did read so much in English but I didn't expect to have a lot of foreign readers and I'm so happy! Mainly I was anxious because of my possible mistakes too

Carole Rae said...

B, ^_^ Same! I had one like that too.

Melliane, I can see that for sure! :) I didn't expect any foreign readers to check out mine either!

Anachronist said...

Your blog is lovely! I've had the same fears - nobody would read, nobody would visit, what's the point... and then I found out I didn't care that much. Thanks for your visits and comments btw, especially in the very difficult time of my life, when I am in mourning for my dad *hug*.

Carole Rae said...

Thank you Ana! And yes, I have decided not to care too much myself. Sure I would love to have a million, but I rather have a few that actually care. And of course, *hug* Here for you!