Thursday, February 7

Book Review: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle

The Merry Adventures of Robin HoodAuthor: Howard Pyle
Title: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Genre: Classic, Adventure, & Fiction
Pages: 400
Published: 1883
Where I Got It: My shelf (From my Grandpa)

He stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and in so doing became an undying symbol of virtue. But most important, Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men offer young readers more than enough adventure and thrills to keep them turning the pages. Who could resist the arrows flying, danger lurking, and medieval intrigue?

I read this eons ago when I was little. I've liked Robin Hood growing up simply for the fact I had watched the cartoon movie first. Those foxes ;) But I remember enjoying this but not as much. I decided to give it a try as an adult. 

We all know the story. Robin steals from the rich and gives to the poor with his band of Merry Men. A classic tale for sure. 

What I love the most about Robin Hood is the fact that he is the perfect representation of the complex world. Yes, stealing is wrong. It is a crime. However, he does it for the poor and the for the helpless. He helps feed children and old people. He doesn't do it for personal greed unlike the rich who tax and tax and never have to dump any of their own money into the pot *cough* sound familiar *cough*. 

This really is a good and fun read. It is a little rough at first to get used to the tone of the book. The author made this sound super old. It does add to the feel but only after you get used to it. It sounds so much like Willy Shakespeare. Maybe that was the goal? Who knows? You can for sure feel and see the Willy Shakespeare influence. 

As per normal, there is some humor with the man in tights. I chuckled a few times. 

There are also a few moments that make you feel and think. 

I would highly recommend this for those that need or want to read a classic story. It is easy to read and I got this done in a couple sittings. 

Ooooo that ending *sniff*

All-in-all, I did like this much better than when I was a wee thing. It is a perfect classic novel for all. It makes you think, feel, and even chuckle. Not amazing, but really good. I'll stamp this with a 4. 


Anachronist said...

Classic stories are often exactly what you need...

Carole Rae said...

Yes, I did need a nice classic one

Blodeuedd said...

LOl, olden goldies :D

Carole Rae said...

Yesss old but gold