Saturday, December 27

Last Book Blog Walkers for 2014

This challenge is organized by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog

Saturday:  1 mile walk
Sunday:  1.5 mile walk 
Monday: Nada (power was out during my normal work-out time, so I lazed about with a book)
Tuesday: 30 mins yoga
Wednesday: Nada (had work and then went straight to Boyfriend's familys)
Thursday:   .50 mile run/jog, 3 miles bike, & 10 mins weights (Then to my familys for xmas)
Friday: Nada
Conclusion: A poopy week again, but I blame the holidays and being lazy. ;) Thursday was fun though! Boyfriend actually went to the gym with me. :3  


Blodeuedd said...

There was snow, so thanks to snow I made it out this week

Carole Rae said...

hahaha oddly we have had like no snow AT all here. 0.o