Friday, December 5

Book Blog Walkers #6

This challenge is organized by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog

Saturday:  Nothing, I hosted my Thanksgiving party, so I had little time to really do anything
Sunday:  Cleaned the apartment (I wanted to do more, but meh, I was pooped from Thanksgiving)
Monday: 45 mins Zumba
Tuesday:  1 mile walk
Wednesday: 1 mile walk
Thursday:  30 mins Zumba & 15 min Yoga
Friday: 1.5 mile walk
Conclusion: A poopy week, but sometimes there is simply no time. I started a new job this week and finals are next week. 


Blodeuedd said...

Poopy week for me too

Carole Rae said...

Sometimes its happens hombre.