Friday, December 12

Book Blog Walkers #7

This challenge is organized by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog

Saturday:  1.5 mile walk & 15 mins Yoga
Sunday:  2 mile walk & 15 mins Yoga
Monday: Nada - had an exam today and an upset belly :( 
Tuesday:  Nada - Have the flue
Wednesday: Nada - recovering from the flu
Thursday:  30 min Zumba buns, abs, and thighs 
Friday: 2 mile bike ride & 10 mins weights. 
Conclusion: A poopy week, but during my stomach flu days I swear I lost like 5 lbs. xI I couldn't keep anything in my belly.


Blodeuedd said...

Same poopy week here

Anachronist said...

I wish you a speedy recovery and a better next week!

Carole Rae said...

Thanks you guys!