Friday, August 16

Movie Review: The Case of Mystery Lane (2023)

The Case of Mystery Lane
Length: 1h 24m
Released: 2023
Genre:  Comedy, Mystery, Romance
Rating: TV-PG
Where I Got It: Peacock

Follows Alden and Birdie Case, as they find a new way to keep the mystery alive. Alden takes classes in hopes of becoming a private investigator, and Birdie may hold the keys to solve one of his mysteries.

I was scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. I wanted to watch SOMETHING but I wasn't sure. This popped up and it fit. Romance....comedy...murrrrrder!

Alden and Birdie have reached a bad point in their marriage. Things seem to be falling apart. However, they found a way to keep the mystery alive by...solving a mystery. Alden has been taking classes in hope to becoming a PI and he is ready to get his feet wet when something happens to Birdie's co-worker. 

This was entertaining. A few chuckles and a mystery I couldn't pin down. I knew there was something we weren't seeing, but when the reveal all made sense. 

This was SO Hallmark and SO cheesy but always enjoyable cheesy. 

Loved the comedy BUT there were some parts I thought....didn't make sense. Like how cavalier Birdie took her co-worker's death. Yes she had like 2 seconds of sadness. But then it was like it didn't matter anymore? Same with the boss (aka Birdie's mom). The boss was all, "Well he's dead so there is a spot open...Birdie you need to go for it!" The dude has been dead for like 2 seconds guys. Corporate America? IDK it felt all weird and poorly written. 

But yes. This was fun and some cheese sprinkled about. I'm curious if they'll do more of these. It could be fun to watch a series. 

3 stars. 



Sophia Rose said...

LOL, well the spot is open go for it. Glad it hit the spot for a light mystery romcom.

Blodeuedd said...

Looks fun enough :D

Jen Twimom said...

Bad marriage... no need for counseling... solve a crime!

Carole Rae said...

It def hit that need

Carole Rae said...

It was fun!

Carole Rae said...

LOL who needs therapy when you can solve crime ;)