Title: How to Kiss a Cowboy
Series: Cowboys of Decker Ranch #2
Genre: Western Romance, Contemporary
Format: Paperback
Pages: 539
Published: February 3, 2015
Where I Got It: My shelf (Used book store)
Between rodeo wins and endorsement deals, Saddle Bronc Champion Brady Caine is living a charmed life. But when he causes an accident that could end a promising barrel racer’s career, he decides that he’s done with loose women and wild rides. All he wants to do is erase his mistake by getting Suze Carlyle back in the saddle.
The last person barrel racer Suze wants to see on her doorstep is the man who ended her rodeo career, but she can’t help admire Brady’s persistence. Sparks fly between them, but when her barn is sabotaged she wonders if he’s really the straight shooter he seems to be…
I had some issues with book 1 but I was still curious about book 2. I like this family and wanted to see Brady fall in love.
Here we have Brady and Suze. Both are rodeo populars. After an accident that possibly could end Suze's career, Brady decides that he is done with loos women and wild rides. All he wants to do is help Suze get back in the saddle. Suze doesn't ever want to see Brady again, but there he is.
This had a rocky start for me but I soon could not stop reading. We get to see them hook up and it....lasted forever. I was ready for it to end. After the never-ending scene, things got entertaining.
Loved Suze but oh.my.goodness was she a stubborn piece of work. I totally understand it once you learn about her parents you get it. Oof.
Awwwww loved Brady too but I felt so bad for him. He tried so hard but he didn't make some good decisions. Yes, rocky start to their relationship but you can see that they are SO made for each other. It took a lot of work and a lot of talking and some external help.
This was a complicated relationship but it was worth it. I loved watching them fall from lust, to enemies, to friends, to lovers. This was a book I couldn't put down.
In the end, the beginning was rough but after a few pages I was able to fully connect and I didn't want to stop reading. I loved this couple even with all their millions of flaws. I'll give this 3 stars.
I always love cowboys
I haven't read this author but I've enjoyed some Cowboy stories.
Anne - Books of My Heart
Will you read book 3?
Me too!
She's not bad :)
Maybe someday.
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