Narrator: Tavia Gilbertt
Title: The Mint Julep Murders
Series: Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries #8
Genre: Cozy mystery, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery, Thriller, UF, & Romance
Format: Audiobook
Published: April 25, 2019
Where I got It: Audible
For Southern girl Verity Long, friendship means sitting down to stories and sweet tea on the front porch. For her gangster ghost housemate, it means dragging Verity out to a remote haunted asylum during a raging thunderstorm to do a favor for a long-dead mob boss.
But Verity is always ready to help out a friend, even one as eternally eccentric as Frankie. And in the case of Mint Julep Manor, the stakes are too high to refuse. The criminally insane mob boss holds a secret to Frankie’s past, one that might set Frankie free. Do the favor—survive the favor—and they might change Frankie’s afterlife for good. Fail, and they might never leave the asylum.
Yayy! Back to our gal!
Verity Long is being dragged out to a remote haunted asylum during a bad storm. She is willing to help, but something seems not right about the house, the ghostly patients, and ghostly staff. Doing a favor for Frankie may be her last.
Always a lot of fun and this one for sure a lot of fun. Love Verity and love Frankie. This one made me sad though...those poor patients. Ugh the asylum life was not a good life.
The big reveal had me all "WHAT?" It was a nice twist and turn and it was good. Curious to see if there will be something big heading our way. I have a feeling. That baddie was certainly a good baddie.
The narrator was great as per normal.
What else to say? It was good. I don't want to spoil anything.
4 stars from me.
Narrator: Tavia Gilbertt
Title: The Ghost of Christmas Past
Series: Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries #8.5
Genre: Cozy mystery, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery, Thriller, UF, & Romance
Format: Audiobook
Published: November 29, 2019
Where I got It: Audible
Verity Long is ready to deck the halls, jingle some bells, and maybe, just maybe have a merry Christmas with her boyfriend’s stuffy family. Truly, if she doesn’t extend the proverbial olive branch to the overbearing Wydells, she’s afraid she’ll hit them over the head with it.
But when her boyfriend’s mother pulls a shocking stunt, Verity finds herself with a big decision to make. And if that’s not enough, there’s an unexpected guest at her door. It’s the ghost of the woman who helped rescue Verity’s pet skunk three years ago that very night. And now she’s there to change Verity’s life as well..
Decided to re-read this little gem for the holidays! Plus....why not? I need the numbers and this is a short!
After the events of the last story, Verity is ready to sit back and relax. Deck the halls and so forth. However, she snaps at Mama Wydell and is super done and just wants to stay home. However, she will have an unexpected guest at her door and she will be forced to see the past, present, and future before she makes any big life decisions.
I'm still proud of Verity for standing up to that MIL! However, I get where the ghosts are coming from. Yes, have your boundaries and don't let people treat you like dirt BUT you need to be kind. *grumbles* Fiooooonnnneeee.
But yes, this was good and a nice little break from "big" adventures. You will want to have read book 8 and maybe book 1 or 2 before reading this. I did fine when I first read it a while back (yes out of order because I'm an idiot sometimes) but it meant more after reading book 8.
Narrator is the same and amazing.
In the end, this was really good and I LOVE this series.
4 stars.
- #59 & 60 for Audiobook Challenge
I read the first ones of these I think and just haven't found time for more.
Anne - Books of My Heart
Xmassy books. I yes I have had too few
Anne, so much fun.
B, yayy for xmassy!
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