Narrator: Amanda Ronconi
Title: Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs
(Jane Jameson #1) (Half-Moon Hollow #1)
Genre: Paranormal Romance, UF, Fantasy, Humor
Format: Audiobook
Published: March 31st 2009
Where I got It: Audible
Maybe it was the Shenanigans gift certificate that put her over the edge. When children's librarian and self-professed nice girl Jane Jameson is fired by her beastly boss and handed twenty-five dollars in potato skins instead of a severance check, she goes on a bender that's sure to become Half Moon Hollow legend. On her way home, she's mistaken for a deer, shot, and left for dead. And thanks to the mysterious stranger she met while chugging neon-colored cocktails, she wakes up with a decidedly unladylike thirst for blood.
Jane is now the latest recipient of a gift basket from the Newly Undead Welcoming Committee, and her life-after-lifestyle is taking some getting used to. Her recently deceased favorite aunt is now her ghostly roommate. She has to fake breathing and endure daytime hours to avoid coming out of the coffin to her family. She's forced to forgo her favorite down-home Southern cooking for bags of O negative. Her relationship with her sexy, mercurial vampire sire keeps running hot and cold. And if all that wasn't enough, it looks like someone in Half Moon Hollow is trying to frame her for a series of vampire murders. What's a nice undead girl to do?
This author for sure has me hooked to her books AND this narrator rocks....I'm addicted ;)
Jane is a children's librarian and self-professed nice girl.....until she is fired by her terrible boss and handed a 25$ gift card instead of a severance check. She goes on a drinking bender that goes south when she is mistaken for a deer, shot, and left for dead. Thanks to a mysterious stranger she met at the bar, she wakes up as a vamp and will have to alter her lifestyle and try to find a new job all at the same time. Add onto that she can see her aunt's ghost AND someone is out for her blood.
This was a lot of fun!!!! I really adored Jane. I wish she was my friend! I would take her dead or alive as a friend. She is sweet and funny and we would have a load of fun talking about books and history and all of that. Cute!
Grrrrr her granny and mom can take a hike. BOOO on them!!!! *shakes fist*
Gabriel....mmmm....I'm on the fence with him so far. I guess we'll see how he is in book 2.
I liked her bestie Zeb and his new gal. They are an adorable couple!
I like Dick. That is Dick Cheney. LOL Not that old politician. He was a hoot. No - no I do NOT want a love triangle. I just want Jane and Dick to be pals. I hope he finds a good girl who ISN'T Jane. *fingers crossed* I smell a love triangle and I would not be happy with that.
OOOooOOooOOOoo that twist on the baddie was fabulous. I had zero idea on who was doing what and why!!!
No issues. I loved this book. The narrator kicked ass. I adore her. She is def top 3 on my list! She makes all the characters come to life. I love her accents!!! They are spot on.
Overall, this was a hoot. Funny and cute. I can't wait for book 2. MORE JANE PLEASE!!! This is the heroine all of us would love ;) 5 stars from me.
- #49 for Audiobook challenge
- #49 for Audiobook challenge
This whole series is da bomb! I always picture Dick Chaney as Owen Wilson. He is my favorite. The first four books are all about Jane (it was a separate series first). Then there are individual m/f romances that take place around the town and within their friend group.
Glad to see you had a blast with this one ;-)
Jen, fun! I can't wait!
vvb32, it was a blast for sure!
I need to read some of her older series like this one. Poor Jane!
Takes me back, I read it way back :)
Sophia, yesss same. That is why I just picked this one up. I wanna read more by her.
B, awwww!
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