Tuesday, March 2

TMST: Tips and Tool for Blogging

What are your favorite tips and/or tools to help keep your blogging (or real life) organized?

I like to say that I am organized. It can be a little chaotic and slightly messy. But its an organized mess. :) I know where everything is and when I need to get stuff done. 

I do say Google Gmail and Calendar are amazing. For sure helps. Goodreads is another great tracker for books I want, read, and how much I've read. I recommend all of them. 

Also - I stick to posting any ARCs I receive for Sunday (or Monday/Friday if the tour doesn't do weekends). Lately I've been doing less ARCs because I have so many books I have bought or want to borrow. I've been doing one or two ARCs each month. 


Sophia Rose said...

LOL, as long as you can navigate your chaos then all is well. I like that you also have a schedule of when you do certain posts to help keep it consistent.

Melliane said...

Ah yes for that I love Goodreads!

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, hahaha yesss its manageable for now ;) I'm sure the day I have kids I will need to buckle down and have more of a schedule.

Melliane, Goodreads is amazzzzinnggggg

Blodeuedd said...

I should have mentioned my calender, I mean i do have some order, of course I usually write my names too fast and the comp does not have time so only I can understand my posts lol

Jen Twimom said...

I do love the google tools - especially since I have a couple bloggers, so we can share the spreadsheet and such. Like Linda said... as long as you have fun!

Carole Rae said...

B, hahahaha I do the same.

Jen, google tool are amazing. And yesss it's been fun with the spreadsheet.