Sunday, April 5

Audiobook Review: Nice Dragons Finish Last by Rachel Aaron

Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers, #1)
Author: Rachel Aaron
Narrator: Vikas Adam
Title: Nice Dragons Finish Last
(Heartstrikers #1)
Genre: UF & fantasy
Format: Audiobook 
Pages: 287 
Published: July 11th 2014
Where I Got It: My shelf (Blodeuedd gave me this for Xmas)

As the smallest dragon in the Heartstriker clan, Julius survives by a simple code: keep quiet, don’t cause trouble, and stay out of the way of bigger dragons. But this meek behavior doesn't fly in a family of ambitious magical predators, and his mother, Bethesda the Heartstriker, has finally reached the end of her patience.

Now, sealed in human form and banished to the DFZ--a vertical metropolis built on the ruins of Old Detroit--Julius has one month to prove that he can be a ruthless dragon or kiss his true shape goodbye forever. But in a city of modern mages and vengeful spirits where dragons are considered monsters to be exterminated, he’s going to need some serious help to survive this test.

He only hopes humans are more trustworthy than dragons...

Been meaning to check out this series for a while now. Thank goodness I have good friends like Blodeuedd who got me the audio for Xmas. ;) 

The story follows Julius who has survived his dragon clan by keeping to his room and staying out of the way of his family. However, Bethesda, his mother, has had enough. She banishes him to DFZ and seals him to his human form. He has to make it on his own before he can come back and he only has one month. In a city that dragons are illegal, he will need some serious help. 

This took forever to finish. Not in a bad way. Things kept getting in the way and cut seriously into my audio listening time. Especially with the lock-down taking place...BF is working at home now with me and thus there goes my listening time. I don't drive to the office anymore either so there goes that listening time. SIGHS. 

But yes - I really, really liked this story. I was hooked from page one. I simply loved the array of characters! Especially Julius' family members. 

Julius is fun and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us in the next book. I want him to succeed. Marci was fun too. She is human but way more dragon then Julius is. They are perfect for each other. 

Bob...oh Bob. You are a lovable weirdo. 

Justin....idiot. But I love him. Yes...I have a crush. ;) her too for some reason. She scares me and everyone in this world. But she is awesome. 

Mommy dearest....psycho. 

Those are just to name a few of the players here.

Even though we have a lot of characters running around, the narrator did awesome. Everyone had their own voice and it was easy to follow along. The narrator is fantastic. Some of his girl voices are eye-rolling-worthy, but he did a good job. I had heard him before so I was excited that he was the narrator for this one. I hope he does book 2!

But yes - this was a fun story. There were some slow moments that could've been snipped a bit, but I enjoyed this journey. I want Julius and Marci to be a thing! They complete each other nicely! She is human, but dragon-y. He is dragon, but with a heart of gold. Love them. 

Overall, I really liked this!! I feel the narrator really brought all these characters alive for me. He was fantastic. The story had a few slow spots, but overall, this was a good one! I can't wait to dive into book 2. In the end, I shall give this......mmmm.....4 stars. 


- #14 for Audiobook Challenge


Blodeuedd said...

YAAAAAAAAY. Btw, by mistake I have like audio 3 and 4? so if you do want more, a present might come your way

Carole Rae said...

:D Whooooo knooooowssssss. I have book 2 ready to go! Soon!

Sophia Rose said...

I have this one setting on my audio queue and I'm pretty sure I'll love it after reading Blodeuedd and your favorable reviews. :)

I'm taking forever to get through my books, too.

vvb32 reads said...

Sounds like a cute one. And dragons are always appealing :-)

Jen Twimom said...

This sounds pretty good. I've not read the author before. I may need to check it out! Thanks for the review.

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, awww yes I think you'll like it! Ugh. Me too

vvb32, yes dragons are fun

Jen, this was my first from her too