Title: The Bruce's Angel
(The Highland Angels #0.5)
Genre: Historical Romance, Novella, Short stories
Format: ebook
Pages: 112
Published: December 26th 2019
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon Freebie)
Lady Charlotte MacLeod is desperate to escape marriage to a traitor, so she turns pirate. As the notorious Black Banner, she's able to capture the Queen's ship, and finally get someone to hear her evidence. But she doesn't expect the Queen to be guarded by the man who once stole her innocence and her heart.
Liam Bruce has spent years serving his royal cousin. While he doesn't begrudge this latest guard duty, he does regret that it's keeping him from returning to MacLeod land and the fiery angel he can't forget. But when he unmasks a dangerous pirate in the middle of a desperate battle, 'tis his Charlotte spitting curses at him!
Now it's up to Liam to protect his love from charges of royal treason. Can he convince Charlotte to trust him again?
I randomly found this on Amazon. They have so many freebies going on right now. I for sure recommend heading that way!
The story follows Lady Charlotte is being forced to marry a traitor to Scotland and King Robert. No one at court will allow her to speak to the King about this man. In order to escape and save the King, she turns pirate and captures the Queen's ship in order to force them to listen to hear. Liam is the cousin of King Robert and is also the bodyguard of the Queen. He regrets having to leave Charlotte behind for an entire year, but duty calls. Can he save Charlotte from her treasonous acts and convince her to even forgive and trust him again?
This is a prequel to what seems like an interesting series. We get a little introduction to how this girl spy group is formed. Spoiler, no spoiler, but Charlotte's actions will unknowingly set in motion the Queen to create her own little spy group. How fun! I am intrigued to read about the other girls.
This was a fun read. For sure something different and I was worried about Charlotte. GURL kidnapping the Queen is such a bad idea. BUT it worked....ish. LOL. However, desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.
I liked Liam even though he was a bone-head. DUH she thinks you abandoned her. I would've thought the same thing! Sighs. Big, hot, dumb-dumb.
This was short and fun. I am intrigued to read the next full book. I'll stamp this with 4 stars.
That's true that there are many freebies and it's nice to see you found a good one!
I love when a freebie works out. This one sounds good. Thanks!
Kidnapping the queen is one way to get everyone's attention. LOL It does sound fun and I love that time period in Scottish history.
THis just feels like it could be historically incorrect
Melliane, a rare day!
Jen, me too! It is so rare.
Sophia, me too!
B, oooo gurl. Yea. hahahahahaha
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