Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Yes, I love this day not only because of the food and having some days off (yayy for 4 days off *throws confetti*). I love hanging out with my family (and sometimes the occasional friend who joins us). I also love taking a moment to remember to be thankful for all I have and everything I have obtained. Everyone should be thankful always, but sometimes life gets in the way and makes us forget all the good things we have.
The most recent thing is buying a house with my love. It took lots of hours at work and lots of penny-pinching, but it has been worth it. Made you this is a picture before it become ours, so it looks WAY sunnier and warmer than it truly is today. LOL Too cold to go out and get a new photo ;)
WHAT are you thankful for?
I hope you had a great thanksgiving! I love your house, really pretty!
Lol, it does look like a really warm and wonderful day
Melliane, thank you!
B, makes me miss the summerrrrr
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