After the recent change in goblin leadership, the new—thankfully non-psychotic—king is willing to participate in an elf/goblin/human peace treaty. The Isle of Mid is the site of these delicate negotiations, meaning all hands on deck for Mychael and his Conclave Guardians. When the head of elven intelligence (and my wedding guest) Duke Markus Sevelien is nearly assassinated upon his arrival, I suspect my mother-in-law will be the least of my concerns. Sabotaging these talks may be only the first salvo in a treacherous and deadly new apocalyptic plot!
My thoughts:
It's not the best time to read a book when you are cranky as hell, but at least it took my minds if things...for a few seconds, and then I was cranky again.
Anyway....Raine should be with Taaaam! Team Tam!!!! But no, she is marrying Mychael, always go with the nice elf. Noo, go with the goblin! Alas those days are over, but in my mind she in Tam will have goblin babies one day. I am so bad ;)
But before they can get married she must meet the inlaws *music of doom*
And they must meet her pirate family *music of doom*
She must deal with the after affects of the Sanghred *music of doom*
Someone is trying to kill everyone *music of doom*
And something bigger is coming...no music of doom, just a note to the author to write more books. pretty please.
It was fun to see Raine and the gang again, and seriously, one more book is so needed. Just one more.
Paperback, 312 pages
Published February 16th 2016 by NLA Digital LLC
Raine Benares #7
I LOVE, LOVE the title. So cute.
Hihi, they are fun
I only did try book 1 by this author but I need to read more
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