Friday, January 9

FitReaders Week 2 & Blog News Update

This challenge is organized by Geeky Blogger's Book Blog & That’s What I’m Talking About

Saturday: Nada (I was too sore from the day before)
Sunday:  1 mile walk 
Monday: 3.5 mile bike ride & 10 mins weights 
Tuesday:  30 mins Zumba & 1.5 miles walk
Wednesday: 1 mile walk & 10 mins weights
Thursday: Nada (Tired)
Friday:  1 mile walk 
Conclusion: An okay week. I lost some steam at the end, because of work and laziness. I am excited, though, to announce I have lost 4 lbs! I was super shocked, because I was convinced I gained a million lbs during the holidays. But this 4 lbs is the first weight I've lost in almost three months. EXCITED! For the next couple days, I am going on a water-only-to-drink diet. I want to flush out my system. So no milk, juice, or anything of the sort. Wish me luck! (Well, Court is coming over on Saturday with some I may drink some of that haha)

BTW, everything is done on my construction of the blog. However, I am waiting for my new banner from Court. It should be done today at earliest. *fingers crossed* I am dying to see it! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! 


GraceMyBookSnack said...

What a way to start off the year with the 4 lb weight loss. Awesome!!!

Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind said...

Awesome, 4lbs! You are on the right track. I've been drinking mostly water myself because I don't keep myself hydrated enough.
I'm sure the new banner will be great!

Nise' said...

Fantastic week for you. Congrats. I hear a little wine is good for you! ;o)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on losing 4 lbs! I was surprised to see how much I gained from the holidays. I'm like you, I start off the week strong but because of work I get tired by the end of the week. Good luck with the water and have a great weekend!

Anachronist said...

I love the current background on your blog and good luck with your drinking-only-water scheme (it won't work but whatever ;) ).

Diana said...

Good for you! Yeah, I think a glass of wine would be fine. ;-)

Carole Rae said...

GraceMyBookSnack, thanks!!!

Adriana, thank you! I am super excited about my new banner.

Nise, wine is good for the soul ;)

Ana, thankies! I am just waiting for the new banner now!! Hahaha I've done pretty well so far. xD I just want to do it for a couple days to clear my system from all the chocolate from the holidays ;)

Diana, thanks! I love wine. xD

Karen said...

You're off to a good start!!

Karen @ For What It's Worth

Carole Rae said...

Thankies Karen!

Blodeuedd said...

*looks at xmas candy* Daaaaamn

Carole Rae said...
