Title: Good Men (Cannie #.5)
Genre: Fiction, drama, short story, & Romance
Pages: ebook
First Published: 2001
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon freebie)
"A prequel to Jennifer Weiner’s bestselling and beloved debut, "Good Men" takes us into the world and mind of Bruce Guberman, on the night of an ill-fated bachelor party, when Bruce and his friends decide to kidnap his girlfriend Cannie's rat terrier Nifkin. A tender, riotously funny short story, "Good Men" is about five men and their unlikely friendships and also about love, marriage, and what gives two people the courage to link hands and jump off the cliff"
This is a short story prequel to the book 'Good in Bed' by Jennifer Weiner. I randomly found this at the Amazon store as a ebook freebie and I am certainly glad that it was a freebie, because I would be rather upset if I spent money on this.
This takes place before Bruce and Cannie break-up and Bruce decides to write that article that is the catalyst to the beginning of Cannie's story. Ugh, Bruce. I only read this because I was curious about who he was and what he was all about. Yes, he loved Cannie. But no...I would not date him if I was Cannie. He is a man stuck in his early twenties and refuses to give up weed and make something of himself. He refuses to finally write his dissertation to finally get his masters (or whatever) and get a great paying job. Why did Cannie stick around? Ah, right, because she felt she could do no better even tho she is successful herself. I am glad she finally moved on to find the man right for her. I wish the short story did cover the break-up event, because I am curious.
Why did the author leave off the story with hope for Bruce and Cannie? It was annoying, because I knew there was no hope for them, because Bruce is a loser.
Meh. This was an okay prequel, but I do recommend skipping this until you actually read 'Good in Bed'. I hated the ending and that the author left us with hope for the couple. No, there is no hope, he is a loser and I did not want them together. Out of five stars, I stamp this with 1 star.
Favorite Character(s): Cannie (even tho she is touch cra-cra) and Nifkin (puppy!)
Not-so Favorite Character(s): Bruce (a huge loser)
A no for me on this one
I think you would like the first book in the series tho. :) It's really good. lol.
Oh I'm sorry it wasn't for you. It's always tricky with novellas.
Its okay. I knew the risks I was taking. Lol
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