Friday, January 4

2012 Wrap-Up and Conclusions

Happy 2013. I know I've been absent this holiday season, but there was just so much to do and not enough time to do everything I wanted to do. I wish I could have cloned myself five times, just to do everything I want to do. Oh well... that's life and life is a hormone filled bitch. However, I had a ton a fun, but I did lack in reading and etc. I did watch a few movies though and I plan to write reviews for those someday. haha.

The door for 2012 is shut, but the door for 2013 is swung open. Time to take advantage of that. Good luck to all for the new year!

Books Read:

Movies Watched and Reviewed:

Flash Fictions Written:

Read 54  books - not accomplished
WWI challenge - not accomplished

Slow year blog-wise...I was doing great but I stumbled majorly in the last two months. Eeeeeeeek. Oh well.

Tomorrow I shall have a post listing my favorites and not-so favorites of the year. ^.^ Stay tuned!


Blodeuedd said...

Welcome back ;)

Carole Rae said...


Anachronist said...

Long time no see! Welcome in 2013!

Carole Rae said...

*waves* Hi!!!! Hopefully 2013 will be an epic year.