Monday, November 1

Best of October

Happy November everyone!

Here are our best for October!

Best Book of the Month:

"Best book this month, this monster"

"This one for sure. All the feels will be felt with this one!"

Best Movie of the Month:

Carole - Nada this month

"I rewatched a few goodies like 'Tangled' and a couple halloween slashers....but nothing that rocked my world."

Blodeuedd - Nada this month.

"And as always, I do not remember watching any movies that rocked my world."

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - Inside Job

"I was watching The Inside Job this month."

"We have been binge-watching this like crazy. Love these dudes!!!"

"Such a fun show! I really should watch the OG version too!"

Best Cover of the Month:

Carole - "By far this one. SOOOO beautiful."

Blodeuedd - "Very xmas cute"


Melliane said...

Oh I want to try Ghosts so nice to hear it's good

Carole Rae said...

It's so good so far! Only a few episodes in!

Sophia Rose said...

I think I'd cry reading your book pick. Yay for Tangled and I really need to watch Ghosts. Great picks, ladies!

Jen Twimom said...

I keep seeing ads for Ghosts when I'm watching football games. It looks like it would be really cheesy - but it's good? And there is an older version? I don't recall that. Thanks.

Blodeuedd said...

I am laaaate again

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, yesss you would. It's so good. Love Tangled and I love Ghosts!

Jen, SO cheesy, but SO good. There is an older one. I haven't watched it though.

B, hehehehe I'm bad too.