Title: Bite Me Your Grace (Scandals with Bite #1)
Genre: Historical Romance & Paranormal
Pages: ebook
First Published: April 2013
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon Freebie)
England's "vampire craze" causes much vexation for the Lord Vampire of London, Ian Ashton. To save his reputation, Ian enlists aspiring authoress Angelica Winthrop without realizing she has hidden plans of her own.
Angelica Winthrop's life goal is to ruin her reputation, avoid marriage, and become a gothic authoress like her idol, Mary Shelley. To find inspiration for her new story, she breaks into the home of Ian Ashton, Duke of Burnrath, not knowing she will be coming up against the Lord Vampire of London. Romance sparks and reputations are at stake. But who knows the real difference between fact and fiction?
Silly, silly lovers. It was a tough romance, but of course it works out. Ian is a Duke, but he is also a vamp. There is a rumor around the ton that he is a vamp due to a book that was written. He needs to rid of this rumor FAST. Then there is Angelica who was a bloody idiot the entire novel. She may be smart, but she is dumb. I get that you want freedom to be a writer, but alas, ruining yourself will not get you there. It will hurt your family and in the end...you. That is what happens. Can you really live in poverty? Ugh idiot. I liked her for her spirit, but she was not the brightest bulb in the box.
I am glad that this was a tough love even though they got married fairly quickly. There is a lot of issues at play. Of course there is a lot of miscommunication at one point and it made me want to rip the hair out of my head. Honestly...though...I would have probably acted as Angelica did when overhearing something. I would have been ANGRY and super hurt. :/
I am excited that Rafael has his own book. I do want to learn more about him and his story! He intrigued me and I feel bad for him. I can't but love the cynical ones. hehehe
But yes, this was a good HR and PR. The mix was good and I can't get enough of HRs even with the paranormal element tossed in. The story had me hooked from page one. The ending was a little dragged out, but it ended how I wanted it to. So I am happy. HEAs for everyone!
In the end, this was a good one. It fixed my need for historical romance and for paranormal romance. The characters were fun even and the love had to be worked for which makes me happy! I recommend this to those that like this genre or someone new to it. When I got it was free. I am curious about the next two books in the series. Well...I shall stamp this with 4 stars.
It sounds fun to have a mix like that!
I quite enjoyed it :)
The title is ridiculous, the cover art is ridiculous and when it comes to the rest...well...ridiculous does cover it nicely. ;p
Melliane, it was fun!
B, you inspired me to read it!
Ana, it was ridiculous but oddly fun.
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