Friday, April 24

Book Review: The Accidental Demon Slayer by Angie Fox

Author: Angie Fox
Title: The Accidental Demon Slayer (Demon Slayer #1)
Genre: Fantasy, Urban Fiction, Paranormal, Romance, & action
Pages: ebook
First Published: Jan 2008
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon freebie)

It's never a good day when an ancient demon shows up on your toilet bowl. For Lizzie Brown, that's just the beginning. Soon her hyperactive terrier starts talking, and her long-lost biker witch Grandma is hurling Smuckers jars filled with magic. Just when she thinks she's seen it all, Lizzie learns she's a demon slayer -- and all hell is after her.

Of course, that's not the only thing after her. Dimitri Kallinikos, a devastatingly handsome shape-shifting griffin needs Lizzie to slay a demon of his own. But how do you talk a girl you've never met into going straight to the underworld? Lie. And if that doesn't work, how dangerous could a little seduction be...

First....I must comment and say that I love the cover. Why? I love that skirt, those boots, that sword, Pirate is a cutey, and I am jealous of those legs! *sniffs* I have ugly legs *eats carrot*


What a fun adventure! Poor Lizzie! All she ever wanted was to meet her biological family, but no...that would be too easy. Her family are witches that are on the run from demons and other things that want their powers and souls. Damn evil Vlad. The worse part is....Lizzie is the only one that can actually slay demons. They are born into the family every few generations. So now she has X amount of time to train and kill Vlad. Again...poor girl. Buuuuut she now can talk to her dog and a sexy Griffin is there to help her out. And she gets to feel loved and like she belongs. So its not all bad. 

I was not a huge fan of Dimitri. I don't know why, but I didn't trust him from page one. Also, he bugs me. He does get better, but I still....I don't know....he still made me mad and if I was Lizzie I don't think I could forgive and forget. Thats just me though.

I wish there was more action and I wish the fight scene at the end was longer. Some parts felt like fillers to me. Alas, the majority of the book she is just being introduced to the world and training, so I get the need for some fillers. Kuddos to her for learning quickly. There was some major drama and intensity with the werewolves. I wish JR got more spotlight. Maybe he will later on in the series? I liked him a lot. :)

In the end, this was fun. It was super funny and kept me entertained. There were some fillers and the action was minimal. I would like to read the next one. Hopefully JR makes an appearance. *fingers crossed* I totally recommend this to those looking for a funny, but still serious urban fiction novel. Its a good, quick fix. Out of five stars, I stamp this with 3 stars. 

Favorite Character(s): Lizzie, Grandma, Pirate (I want a puppy who can talk), & JR
Not-so Favorite Character(s): Vlad & Ant Eater (yes...that is her name *sighs*) 


Melliane said...

it sounds like a fun and nice story. I think I have it or another from the author. I need to try!

Blodeuedd said...

I never read book 3, and I have had it for ages