Saturday, April 25

FitReaders Week #17

This challenge is organized by Geeky Blogger's Book Blog & That’s What I’m Talking About

Saturday: Nada
Sunday: 3 mile bike, 1 mile run/jog, & 5 mins weights 
Monday:  1 mile walk
Tuesday: 2 mile bike & 1 mile walk/jog
Wednesday: Nada 
Thursday: 2 mile bike, 1.25 mile walk/jog, & 5 mins weights 
Friday: .5 mile walk 
Conclusion: Pretty good week! Boyfriend has been accompanying me to the gym lately due his job. He pretty much was unofficially "promoted" so now he does the majority of paperwork so he sits for the majority of the day. He is worried about gaining weight, so he is joining me now. It's very motivating not going alone (sometimes he forces me to go when I don't wanna go or when I feel like a having a light day). I still need to convince him to go to Zumba or Yoga with me...hahaha. Stubborn boy. 


Blodeuedd said...

BF would So never zumba with me

Anachronist said...

Zumba! Tell him there are a lot of chicks there, half-naked!

Carole Rae said...

B, booo on boys!

Ana, I've tried that trick. Meh.