Tuesday, November 18

Book Review: Ivy and Intrigue by Lauren Willig

Author: Lauren Willig
Title: Ivy and Intrigue - A Very Selwick Christmas (Pink Carnation # 4.1)
Genre: Historical Romance & Short story
Pages: ebook
First Published: December 24th, 2008
Where I Got It: Freebie from author's website

In this novella, the newly married spy, the Purple Gentian, and his bride find more than mince pie when they head home for the holidays. 

Like earlier stated this is a short story, so it shall be short. 

The story is a little snipbit of a Christmas party with some of the lovable heroes of the Pink Carnation books. However, it centers around Eloise (in present day) and Amy/Richard from the first book. Some other characters make an appearance too like Hen and Miles. :)

This is my second time reading this short story and since it feels like Christmas outside (due to the horrible snow and cold), I felt like giving this another go. I think I really like it, because it shows that love is work and not all rainbows and kittens all the time. Amy and Richard are now married and back home in England. It was such a whirlwind marriage and love story. Richard was a spy and Amy a spy-wannabe. They were forced to give up their dreams of spying and etc and retire to England, so they are sure that the other is bored and hates the boring life.

Is it odd that I believe couples should talk and be honest at all times? I mean is it SO hard? However, that doesn't make a story. 


Sorry about that, but it drives me bananas, because so many issues can be avoided with honesty with the one you love.

Eloise's part was bleh - but oh well.

ANYWAYS, this a cute little short story thrown in the middle of the series. A nice little catch-up of our favorite characters. I wish Lauren would write more. ;)  I recommend this to those that like the series. Out of five stars, I stamp this with 4 stars.

Favorite Character(s): Hen, Miles, Amy, and Richard
Not-so Favorite Character(s): Lady Jerard (smh)


Blodeuedd said...

The cover is adorable!

Carole Rae said...

It's my favorite. :)

Melliane said...

It's nice sometimes to have a good short story like that. I didn't know about this one I confess.

Carole Rae said...

I love short stories once in a while.