Saturday, November 22

Book Blog Walkers Week 4

This challenge is organized by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog

Saturday:  1.5 miles walk
Sunday: 2 miles walk & 15 mins yoga (got lazy and didn't finish) 
Monday: 2.5 miles walk/jog
Tuesday: 30 mins of Zumba 
Wednesday: 1.5 mile walk/jog
Thursday:  1 mile walk/jog
Friday: 30 mins Zumba, 15 mins yoga (got lazy again), & 1.5 miles walk 
Conclusion: Did better this week, but sighs....stupid lack of time.


Blodeuedd said...

But you still did stuff so yay :)

Melliane said...

it's nice, that's already a lot. It's so difficult to find the time to do things like that.

Carole Rae said...

B, yayy!
Melliane, lol thanks! It is so hard to find the time when going to school, working full time, and trying to keep the apartment clean-ish.