Tuesday, November 19

Book Review: Queen's Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle

Author: Elizabeth Fremantle
Title: Queen's Gambit
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, Intrigue, Drama
Pages: 424
First Published: August 2012
Where I Got It: Given to me by the author/publisher to give my honest and unbiased opinion.

"Widowed for the second time at age thirty-one Katherine Parr falls deeply for the dashing courtier Thomas Seymour and hopes at last to marry for love. However, obliged to return to court, she attracts the attentions of the ailing, egotistical, and dangerously powerful Henry VIII, who dispatches his love rival, Seymour, to the Continent. No one is in a position to refuse a royal proposal so, haunted by the fates of his previous wives;two executions, two annulments, one death in childbirth;Katherine must wed Henry and become his sixth queen. 

Katherine has to employ all her instincts to navigate the treachery of the court, drawing a tight circle of women around her, including her stepdaughter, Meg, traumatized by events from their past that are shrouded in secrecy, and their loyal servant Dot, who knows and sees more than she understands. With the Catholic faction on the rise once more, reformers being burned for heresy, and those close to the king vying for position, Katherine's survival seems unlikely. Yet as she treads the razors edge of court intrigue, she never quite gives up on love."

Like earlier stated, I read this for the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion.

When I seen this, I knew I had to read it. There is a sparse amount of Katherine Parr based books and I needed a nice dose of some Tudor drama. Haha. I've honestly always been fond of Katherine Parr and I highly respect her, because she was the only wife that truly survived and managed to outlive Henry VIII. She was a strong woman...not many people know that, because she appeared meek and weak, but she was strong enough to hide it and do it subtly. However...she did have her kryptonite: Thomas Seymour. He made Henry VIII seem like a saint in love. At least Henry loved all his wives for them (maybe not the 1st since she was a royal princess and brought money to the English treasury). Henry VIII didn't really gain anything from marrying them, because the majority of his wives were pretty much of lower rank then him. Only two of his wives came from royalty. Hell, he divorced both in the end. However, Thomas Seymour seduced women to increase his wealth and standing. He was an ambition jerk. He got what was coming to him....>.>

Sorry for the rant, but I loath Thomas Seymour.


This was a really intriguing book. I could barely put this down. Even though I know the story of Katherine Parr, I couldn't help but want more! I was also intrigued in Dot's POV. I'm really glad that the author put in one of the close servants of Katherine's point of views. I really liked Dot even though she was totally not a fan of Elizabeth, who I adore. Adding her POV was needed I think. It really added something to it. I'm so glad that Dot got her HEA even though poor Katherine Parr didn't. Poor girl...she truly deserved to be loved for her and her mind. 

I wish they knew what happened to Katherine Parr's daughter. One of the mysteries that bug me...

In the end, I really liked this book. I could go on and on, but I think that I shall stop myself. This was truly addicting and it killed me to have to put this on the backburner for a long, long time. Sighs. Such is life I suppose. :/ BUUUUT, in the end it was totally worth the wait. I'm really forward to more novels by Elizabeth Fremantle. Maybe she could totally do a book for each of Henry's wives. *hint hint*. I would recommend this to those that really like Historical Fiction. Out of five stars I shall stamp this with 5 stars. 

Favorite Character(s): Katherine Parr, Dottie, Elizabeth, Lady Jane Grey (even though she just played a small part), and Hucike (loved the whole angle of him being gay, very interesting and made the story interesting). 
Not-so Favorite Character(s): Thomas Seymour (snake)



Blodeuedd said...

I am glad you finally got it :)

Carole Rae said...

I know! :D Totally worth the wait though.