Happy Tuesday everyone. GAH! Just a few more days until Friday, then I get four days off. Huzzah! Worry not everyone...we can do this together to last to the weekend.
But yeah. I feel like being random today, so I'm going to share what happened today in History thanks to The History Channel:
found this on B's facebook page. hahaha |
~Hula-Hoop patented, 1963
~American Revolution - Civilians and soldiers clash in the Boston Massacre, 1770
~David Buick dies, 1929
~Civil War - The Confederacy's Breckinridge assumes command in Virgina, 1864
~Cold War - Churchill delivers Iron Curtain speech, 1946
~Jim Morrison is charged with lewd behavior at a Miami concert, 1969
~Jet breaks up near Mt. Fuji, 1966
~Innovator of hypnotism dies, 1815
~ Charlotte Bronte declines marriage, 1839
~Staff Sergeant Barry Sadler hits #1 with "Ballad of the Green Berets", 1966
~Antoino de Ulloa tries to govern Louisiana, 1766
~Dial-a-President radio program airs, 1977
~Miller elected executive director of MLB Players Association, 1966
~Vietnam War - USAF advisory team sent to Laos, 1964
~WWI - Socialist revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg born, 1871
~WW2 - Joseph Stalin dies, 1953
Tuesday, bleh
I honestly believe that Tuesday is WAY worse then Monday or Wednesday. >.>
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