Wednesday, March 27

Who, What, Where

A weekly meme created by Melissa over at My World in Words & Pages. You share just a bit about where you are, who you are with, and what is happening in your current read. Be careful not share any major spoilers. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! How is everyone doing? I'm still "waiting" patiently for spring to finally appear here in Michigan. No such luck. The closet we got was a couple weeks ago two days in a row, then in snowed. *sighs*

Anyways, this week I'm reading My Scandalous Viscount by the always entertaining Gaelen Foley. 

Right now Carissa, the Lady of Information, is recalling The Incident and how her guardians reacted and fought over it when she was a wee thing. We are in 19th century England during the season of course at an Opera House. 



Anachronist said...

No spring at my place as well - I bet I jinxed it buying two pairs of sandals in the sales.

Blodeuedd said...

Sounds interesting :D

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Ut oh. What was the Incident? Sounds good. Hope you are enjoying. :)

Unknown said...

It seems spring ran a little late on most places. I haven't seen this book. What's The Incident? Intriguing

Carole Rae said...

Ana, yeaah I may have jinxed it also. >.< I got a couple pairs of sandals also.

B, it is so far! Gaelen Foley hasn't let me down so far.

Melissa, my lips are sealed. hahaha, but I am enjoying it so far. Very cute.

Rivie, gah stupid spring. I can not tell you what it is. :D I shall not give out any spoilers.

Gina said...

Ooh...sounds good and I'm loving her dress on the cover there too. HUGE ballroom gown style but lovely! Thanks for the share...happy reading! ^_^

Carole Rae said...

I know! I usual hate the color yellow, but I am IN LOVE with this dress.