Monday, March 18

Music Monday & News

First....I shall start with some lovely and exciting dear pallio's book is released today! I'm soooo excited for Dottie! I'm so in awe of her right now that she has gone the whole nine miles and has written a book and released it and now her name is out there...she is an author. She is a writer. I've adored her writings for a while, so I am so proud of her. Can't wait to read her book myself. 

****Buying links:


Barnes & Noble

Also available on iTunes****

Isn't the cover lovely? 

Well, now its time for a little bit of music.

This first song has been stuck in my head for a while. I can't get it out. GAAAH! Plus it slightly reminds me of Lily from A Million Little Pieces.

Here's another song...this one, I believe, would be played in A Million Little Pieces, if it were to be a movie. Plus its a good  song I've always fancied.

This video amazes me and if I wasn't shy I would do this. bahahaha.

That's all I have this week. ^.^ 



Blodeuedd said...

Yes go Dottie :) I wish I had her strength, I am too lazy ;)

Carole Rae said...

hahaha same here...I am rather lazy and have attempted many times, but fail a few chapters in.

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Oh I love Band Perry. I got that cd for that song. :)

Carole Rae said...

Yeah they're pretty good.