Friday, March 16

Next Movie of the Week

I've been slacking on movie watching, but I haven't had much time to spend two or so hours to watch a movie. School, work, and etc tend to overwhelm my freetime. That's a typical life a college student I guess.

Anyways, it's time to announce the next Movie of the Week! *cheers* And that movie is.......The Lost Battalion

Here's a trailer (don't mind the horrible narration...):

Have any of you seen this film? My American History teacher in High School simply adored this film and I hope I will too. ^.^



Blodeuedd said...

Nope...but looking forward to next week then

Krystal M said...

Your blog is very good, I enjoy your posts, Could you please follow mine as I am now following yours

Thanks :)

Carole Rae said...

B, me too. I'm mostly watching this for the WTG challenge. haha

Krystal, hi! Thanks! I'm hop on by. :3