Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was....well...interesting. So much homework, so much work, so many costumers at work, so much wind, and so little time. haha. Let's listen to some music and relax....
The first thing I would like to share is a another video created by the fantastic tikudda. It's a Marie Antoinette video using the song 'Better Life' by Paper Route. Enjoy:
Ahhhh, I am addicted to this song! Brittany (one of my friends) and I dance our little hearts out when this comes on. I can't help but envision Marie Antoinette dancing to this song. hahaha. Perhaps I'll look up a video on youtube. Maybe I'll make it myself. ^.^ Anyays, this is 'Starships' by the fabulous Nicki Minaj:
Here's another song stuck in my head lately. It's 'Domino' by Jessie J. I especially love the first lyric of the song "I'm sexy and freeeee". That's how I feel lately. Yes, I'm sometimes lonely because I don't have a boyfriend (or lover), but I'm content and I have my FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM!! William Wallace would be proud. *cough cough* Sorry about using an overused joke and reference. Enjoy:
Since I'm addicted to Once Upon a Time and I think my favorite couple is Belle and Rumplestiltskin, here's a lovely little video in tribute to their doomed love. This was created by BethJill:
Hope you enjoyed this week's selection!
Sounds good, all of them :)
^.^ Thanks!
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