Wednesday, October 23

Reading Challenge Update


October is nearly over. I'll be traveling over the weekend and next week I'll be a busy bee....soooo I'll do the update now! We are nearly done with the year. A couple of months left to finish these challenges. 

Here is what I have read between Jan 1st - Oct 23rd 

Reading Challenges

Goodreads -  102 out of 143  130 (yesss I lowered it. This year has been a mess). Here are some recent ones I've finished! :D

Romance Reading Challenge -  25 out of 25. All done! Weeeee!

Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge- 22 out of 16 done! Blasted past the goal!

LIBRARY LOVE CHALLENGE - 28 out of 24 borrowed and finished. Weeee another challenge completed! 

AUDIOBOOK CHALLENGE - 49 out of 50 done. One more! Here are some of my recent ones. 

DNF Second Chance -  I still need to do our 2nd one of the year. It keeps getting pushed to the back burner. Maybe it will be a November read or I could save it for December....Xmas is full of good will and forgiveness and love....right? 

But one is done. Here is the link to the review. I actually did like it more than the first time around! :)  


Jen Twimom said...

WOW!! You are killing it. Nice work. I only have two more bingo squares. I also lowered my GR goals... life.

Blodeuedd said...

You are doing great :D

Northwoman said...

You're not only doing great you are reading some awesome books. I enjoyed some of that Paige Tyler series.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Carole Rae said...

Jen, thank you!!!! Yeaaa sometimes life gets in the way.

B, thanks boo!

Anne, thanks! I for sure got some winners this year. It's going to be hard to pick my favorite.