Thursday, October 31

DNF: The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling

Author: Erin Sterling
Narrator: Caitlin Davies
Title: The Ex Hex
Series: The Ex Hex/Graves Glen #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Contemporary, Fantasy
Format: Audiobook
Published: September 28, 2021
Where I got It: Borrowed from library

Nine years ago, Vivienne Jones nursed her broken heart like any young witch would: vodka, weepy music, bubble baths…and a curse on the horrible boyfriend. Sure, Vivi knows she shouldn’t use her magic this way, but with only an “orchard hayride” scented candle on hand, she isn’t worried it will cause him anything more than a bad hair day or two.

That is until Rhys Penhallow, descendent of the town’s ancestors, breaker of hearts, and annoyingly just as gorgeous as he always was, returns to Graves Glen, Georgia. What should be a quick trip to recharge the town’s ley lines and make an appearance at the annual fall festival turns disastrously wrong. With one calamity after another striking Rhys, Vivi realizes her silly little Ex Hex may not have been so harmless after all.

Suddenly, Graves Glen is under attack from murderous wind-up toys, a pissed off ghost, and a talking cat with some interesting things to say. Vivi and Rhys have to ignore their off the charts chemistry to work together to save the town and find a way to break the break-up curse before it’s too late.

Randomly stumbled upon this at the library while looking for something else. It seemed like the perfect book for the Spooky Season. Magic, witches, romance, and humor. 

Here we follow Vivienne and Rhys. Vivienne and Rhys broke up 9 years ago. During that break up, Vivienne nursed her broken heart like any young witch would with booze, sad music, bubble baths, and a curse. Years have passed and Rhys is back in town for the annual fall festival. However, one calamity after another striking Rhys, Vivi realizes that maybe, just maybe, her silly Ex Hex may have actually worked. Between a horde of murderous wind-up toys, a ghost, and a talking cat....they have a lot on their hands. 

This started off well enough. I thought Vivi's reason for doing the hex on her ex was a touch trite. dated for like a half a second. Sure cry in your tea and your bubble bath, but get over it. I don't think Rhys was the monster and heart breaker she made him out to be. Like sure was he an asshat? Yes. But he wasn't TERRIBLE. He wasn't bad enough to get a hex on him. 

I lost interest after the horde of wind-up toys. Wild right? I fell asleep during the scene. I woke up a few minutes later and didn't bother rewinding. Bad sign right there. I tried listening to another hour and stopped mid-scene and decided I was done. 

DNF for me for now. Maybe it can be revived in our DNF Second Chance in the future. 


- Audiobook #51
- Library Love (not counting it towards this challenge)


Sophia Rose said...

Yes, all the signs of it not being interesting enough. I'm not impressed when a book described one date or dating for a month and that constitutes heartwrenching agony for years.

Blodeuedd said...

Oh no, that sucks :( It looked fun enough

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, yeaaaaaa I was hoping maybe he really F-ed her over to make it worth a hex. But he really didn't.

B, I know. :( Maybe someday I'll try again.